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    Lyfting up the gospel: spontaneous spark

    Alright, do I have your permission to record this? I’d like to do a live impromptu interview. We’ve had a
  • paul

    Paul: a person of interest

    Paul, a person of interest, a gospel pattern-setter. Let’s meet him. His name is first mentioned in Acts 13. “Then
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    Salvation Meditation

    Okay, let’s pray. Dear God, thank you for being amazing, for letting us live. Thank you for being Who you
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    Defining Gospel Clarity

    We’re having a positive conversation about the gospel, right? Yes. All right. Now whose gospel is it? God’s. It’s God’s
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    AI, Please Describe the Gospel …

    Certainly, the term gospel refers to the message of salvation and the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the
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    The Gospel Solution to Sin

    Our eyes detect the full spectrum of light or discernible light. There’s a difference in the God Who’s perfect and