Defining Gospel Clarity

We’re having a positive conversation about the gospel, right? Yes. All right. Now whose gospel is it? God’s. It’s God’s gospel. And what are we supposed to do with the gospel? Preach Jesus. Yes. Share Him graciously. And what is the audience’s job? To listen. Wow. So if they’re supposed to listen, should we brush … Read more

AI, Please Describe the Gospel …

Certainly, the term gospel refers to the message of salvation and the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Christian Scriptures, particularly the New Testament. The word gospel itself comes from the Greek evangelon, which means “reward for bringing good news.” Share Simple Gospel to the World The Gospel is centered around the life, … Read more

The Gospel Solution to Sin

Our eyes detect the full spectrum of light or discernible light. There’s a difference in the God Who’s perfect and us … who’s a sinner. And this is beautiful only because Jesus provides the solution. Subscribe now If we were to ask the average person to define sin, they would come up with something short, … Read more

Not My Gospel

A glorious good day. We’re just going to read a passage and then comment as the Spirit guides. We’re going to start with the Epistle of Paul the Apostle written to the churches at Galatia, chapter 1. Paul, an apostle, (and then there’s parentheses), not of men. We’re going to pause right there. My commission, … Read more

“We can count!”

Today, boys and girls, we’re going to hear a story about a land far, far away on the other side of the world. But you’re going to know these people, and you’re going to meet these people, and here’s how the story goes. In the aftermath of World War II, Southeast Asia was catapulted into … Read more

Deconstructing the Gospel

Subscribe now Deconstructing the Gospel. If we tear it all apart and examine the elements, what makes up the gospel? The simplistic art of deconstructing something is that’s something humans do innately. A one-year-old builds up blocks and … DECONSTRUCTS what he just put together. It’s really difficult to have the gospel without block one: … Read more

Why Get The Gospel Out?

Why Get The Gospel Out? Hello everybody. I feel like we should pray first, right? Dear God, please give us a sweet spirit. Help us to be plugged in and sensitive to Who you are. We know this is Your idea. This is Your gospel. Help us to be in tune with Your Scripture. Get … Read more

3 Demons We Wrestle Er’day

Every thought and every word in our life is saturated with a spirit. I am responsible to determine what spirit that is. Jesus said to some of His friends, you don’t know what spirit you are of when you say that. They were unaware of what spirit had persuaded them to speak such a thought. … Read more

Solid Scripture on Creation

Thank you for your patience in putting up with the background noise. I am unable to wait until I get to a quiet space to record because certainly there are good words that must be spoken on behalf of God! So yes, this platform is particularly emphasizing the power of the gospel. Now, you cannot … Read more

Sin separates. God reunites.

God is not the Author of confusion. Each sin of any degree must be fully resolved/paid for by a qualified Agent, who is: sinless, willing, capable, powerful to endure the fullness of wrath to satisfy the justice of God. The nature of God cannot dismiss disobedience as small or without consequence. Sin is against God. … Read more